Day 3,904: Cuddle Triangle

Day 3,904: Cuddle Triangle

Home. We started watching The Fugitive tonight, which neither of us has ever seen. We know about it. obviously, but neither of us has actually seeeeen it. It’s so good! Instantly good. And it’s funny, because the opening act is very old school — the escape from the...
Day 3,903: AA

Day 3,903: AA

Got to spend the day with Ashika and Aavya (and Joe and Madhuri) today. It was GRAND. Exhausting, as kids are—Ashi is 4–but grand. We had a great time reading and coloring and playing games and eating food and generally just being silly and enjoying each other’s...
Day 3,902: Cooper’s Clubhouse

Day 3,902: Cooper’s Clubhouse

Man, that Neil Gaiman podcast is rough, y’all, and I mean that in that Neil Gaiman is at best incredibly problematic and at worst is a goddamn monster and predator. Gut-wise, I can tell you I’m leaning towards the latter, but we’re only one episode in, so I’ll see how...
Day 3,901: Works

Day 3,901: Works

Fireworks are going off outside. Big time. It was quiet the first couple years here, I remember now…but then we had a big time fireworks family move in a few houses down, and now its wild out there. We don’t mind. I get it; fireworks are fun. People look forward to...
Day 3,900: Lord

Day 3,900: Lord

A fragmented day today. Not in a bad way! It was all good stuff, actually…but it was a little helter skelter. Still settling in from the trip. Had errands to run. We went out and got Mr. Pickles sandwiches for lunch together—they’re right down the street, now. Walking...