Fireworks are going off outside. Big time. It was quiet the first couple years here, I remember now…but then we had a big time fireworks family move in a few houses down, and now its wild out there. We don’t mind. I get it; fireworks are fun. People look forward to this all year. And because we don’t react to the noises, really, our dogs don’t either. So, it’s all good. I wish they’d clean up all the cardboard pieces, but that’s my only complaint.

We had a nice day. Walked the pups early to avoid the sun. It was warm today, but not too bad. It’s going to be scorching tomorrow, apparently. Walked the pups and then ate. Watched a bit of TV. Updated the finances. Then went back to bed and took a midday nap. Big one. Couple hours. I needed it. And then did random stuff for the afternoon before going over to Kristen and Arg’s for a barbecue. Delicious!

Now…home. Sleepy. Need to have a kickass work day tomorrow. Got lots of clips to pull, which is hard work. Always drains me.

Night night.