Twenty pages complete on the latest manuscript! Boom Shaka Laka.

Feeling a bit zonked about it to be honest…but I know now that’s normal for me. I get zonked when I first get into the swing of things. It’s a disruption of the status quo, which always makes me feel like I’m a little out of it. Just gotta keep plugging away, one day at a time. I love it. Gonna have this book done in the middle of the summer. That’s going to feel SO GOOD. Then…I push for the next one. Really want to get dialed in on this five pages a day, every day train. Means I have my work cut out for me outlining-wise, but that’s okay. Let’s see if I can handle it. I think I can. And if not…no worries. We pivot. Come up with another plan.

Didn’t get the greatest night’s sleep last night so it’s off to bed early. I’m wiped. Night night.