We finished Patriot Games tonight, and man…that movie is way better than I remember it being when I watched it as a teenager. It slaps. Ford is great in it, the finale is great, all the twists and turns are great. It’s super duper solid. Four stars, I say! Four stars out of five.

Doing our summer movie watch has been really, really fun. We might be taking a Harrison Ford pivot and actually watching through all the Jack Ryan movies next. We’ll see. We have Clear and Present Danger up next. A lot of them—if not all of them?—are streaming on Max right now, so it’s kinda perfect. I never saw the Ben Affleck or Chris Pine ones, I don’t think, so that’ll be fun. I bet they’re both terrible, though I do love Chris.

The manuscript is at 40 pages today, right on track. Feels good. Really good. The writing is flowing. Ten pages a day is actually a nice, comfortable rate. It’ll be hard to do my read through and self edit PLUS writing ten fresh pages, but we’ll get there when we get there. That’s the challenge I’ve set for myself, and I only have to do it for a few weeks. I’m going to write two books in a year. A goddamn miracle. I’ve been trying to do that for a long, long while and here I am; it’s going to happen this year. Just have to keep plugging away.

Work was busy today, too. Still snuck in a quick nap after lunch, but I had to jam on the Netflix stuff all day. Went well, though. Got everything done I needed to and set myself up for a nice efficient day. Hopefully finish early.

A good day. I’m tired. Not much time for downtime…but that’s what the next few weekends are cleared for, I hope. I can recharge then.

Night night.