It late. Podcasted for the first time in a couple weeks because of all that traaaavel. It was so nice to get back in that groove, get back to the Hitchcock. We’re almost to the 50s! Wild. Movie wasn’t that great, but that’s okay. We still had fun. And still great to break down and figure out why certain things worked and others didn’t.

Writing was good today. I need to remember for tomorrow a little rewrite that Drake needs to try and go to sleep, but his mind is spinning with everything he needs to prepare. That’s the proper ending to the chapter I just finished today.

Fifty pages! I did it. All five days of the week. I think that might be the first time I’ve ever accomplished that. And it doesn’t end today — right back writing another ten pages tomorrow. I’m doing well so far. Tired, but not burned out. Pushing, but I seem to be able to find the groove each day of just letting the scene play out however it needs to, no rush. The page count will come if I just put in the time.

I love it. This phase is me at my happiest. It’s so concrete, watching the page count steadily increase. And I get to finally live the story, which is always the most fun and exciting. Happy days.

Night night.