Our plum tree is ripening right now. Last year was the first year it actually bore fruit, and they weren’t very good. Kind of tasteless. But this year, already I can tell they’re going to be much better. I wonder if it’s because the tree is just maturing into an adult, or if it’s because the weather is slightly different this year—it seems to be hot right now as its ripening, whereas I don’t think that was the case last year—or if it has to do with how we trimmed it down this spring so it’s less bushy and more tree-like. Better sun exposure that way? I don’t know. But the plums are looking good.

The manuscript is 91 pages as of today. Right on target. I’ve hit about the 25% mark of the book, which I think means I’ve got a 400-pager on my hands rather than a 300 or 350-pager…but that’s okay. It’ll be however long it needs to be. Wrote some dope-ass scenes today. Some super clear character arcs going on. That makes suuuuuch a big difference in how enjoyable writing a POV is. And easy. Like, when it’s clear to me what the character is feeling and going through, it makes it SO MUCH EASIER to know how to write whatever scene it is, because it will give them a frame of mind, which colors how they see everything, how they will act and react…it just makes everything come alive, because they’ll have an opinion on everything around them. So, yeah. The book is going well.

I still have to figure out how to read and edit before sending to my co-writer. That’s a challenge. I think the answer might simply be that I need to write slower. That is the plan moving forward, next book onward. BUT…silver lining on this one: I should be able to do a full read through and edit once it’s done, before it goes to our editor.


Night night.