I have a new rule with writing. It’s not groundbreaking. It’s something I’ve known for a long time, but for whatever reason just today, I was like, I should make this a thing: I’m not allowed to end any session—even my little ten minutes breaks—at the END of anything, like a scene or a chapter.

Starting a scene or a chapter is always the hardest lift of drafting. Setting the tone, the image, the headspace, etc is always the most work. And when I already have momentum from having written for an hour or so, that lift is much easier then. It’s the hardest when I’m staring at a blank scene right as I start my next session. I lose a lot of time that way, I think, and anxiety can set in real fast. So…

Whatever needs to be started must be started before ending for the session, day, night, whatever.

I’m happy with that. Used it today to GREAT effect 🙂

In other news: jfc it was hot today. Really, really, really hot. Our AC can’t even keep up with it, actually. It runs almost all day. It’s not broken—just had some people come out the other day and do maintenance on it, in fact, and they confirmed its in working order—and it does keep the house decently cool. But, our thermostat is set to 76, and hovers between 77 and 78 all day, never quite hitting its target. It’s very rarely that hot here. It means we’ve been flirting with triple degree temps for over a week, and that hot air just sitting there means the ambient temp of our attic, outside the walls and windows, etc, just never cools down. It is what it is. We get a reprieve, finally, on Saturday. Looks like that will last for a good week, which will be great.

That’s all I got tonight. A good day. Night night.