I tried to get the pages done today, but it just wasn’t going to happen. Not with what we had going on, which was essentially an important phone call in the morning and a movie escapade in the middle of the day…and then I was still wiped from podcasting last night, so I needed a nap. That’s the whole day, right there.

I did write. Got a couple pages done in the morning. But, I just had to let it go. It happens. It’s why an every-day kind of writing goal truly needs to be a smaller one. Something small enough to squeeze in even when the day is busy OR small enough to just double up the next day, no sweat. It’s a work in progress.

I’m almost halfway done with the book. I’ll be there in…two or three more days. Or, if the book turns out longer than expected, five more days. We’ll see where I’m at in my outline by the time I hit the 170-ish page mark. It’ll be pretty clear from there how many pages the book will be. I want it to be 350. Might be 400. But either is good, honestly. Just need to churn it out.

It’s going to be a challenge to repeat that feat before the year is done. But I really want to. I really, really want to finish two books this year. I’ve never done that before. So, yeah. Gotta push.

Night night.