Day 3,918: Biden

Day 3,918: Biden

We live in crazy times. Crazy, very very stressful times. A good day today, nonetheless. I wrote my ten pages. Fucked up the home security system for a hot minute. But, it was still a good day. Night night!
Day 3,917: HAWT

Day 3,917: HAWT

Man…it was hooooottttt today. Really, really hot. It was supposed to be 97, I think, and it topped out at 100. And no breeze in the evening to blow it away. Yikes. We stayed in all day, obviously. Took it easy. I watched racing and basketball. Hung out with the pups....
Day 3,916: Forum Days

Day 3,916: Forum Days

We had a lovely evening, Liz and I tonight. We ate food, drank wine, munched on a couple small fruit tarts from Porto’s…and watched Air Force One, which HOLDS UP. Pretty much. It’s great. Harrison Ford is great in it. I remember watching that movie in theaters and...
Day 3,915: Stage!

Day 3,915: Stage!

Late, so this is a quick one tonight, but…we hit 100 pages on the manuscript today, podcasted with Josh, got all my Netflix work done… A good day. Night night!
Day 3,914: Peer

Day 3,914: Peer

Our plum tree is ripening right now. Last year was the first year it actually bore fruit, and they weren’t very good. Kind of tasteless. But this year, already I can tell they’re going to be much better. I wonder if it’s because the tree is just maturing into an...