Ten more pages. Boom! Happy about it. Action sequence today, which meant the words flowed pretty easily. I ended the chapter with a moment I’m not happy with. It’s not quite right. I’ll tweak it later.

Work was slower today, finally. Still decently busy, but not AS busy. Projects are wrapping up. Less balls in the air all at once will be nice.

Was supposed to podcast tonight with Josh, but he had some stuff come up last minute. Just as well; I’m pretty wiped. I went and got a bottle of wine (only had a single glass from it, but it was delicious; turns out I enjoy Haut-Medoc a lot; second one I’ve had and same raving notes about both).

It’s cool to realize that I actually do enjoy wine. It was a curiosity before. I knew other people loved wine, but I wasn’t sure if I did. Well…I do. I know what I like, now. I know what tasting notes I can watch for and pick out something I’m going to likely enjoy. I don’t have many people to share that with yet—Liz and Josh, really—but that’s okay. They’re enough.


wiped. bed time. night night.