Oh boy, it’s late.

I (almost) hit 200 pages on the manuscript today. Woohoo! Should be good for at least halfway done. We’ll see. Some fun POVs in this book. It’s a few characters I haven’t spent much time inside their heads to this point, and/or their brand new. So, it takes a little work here and there. They’re not as comfortable as some of the others, like Drake or Carrol, who I know like the back of my hand, now. But that’s the challenge you know? That’s what makes this book interesting, at least in part. New stuff inside new heads. But also new stuff inside the old heads. Have to do both.

Anyway. Yeah. 200 pages. Wiiiiped. But happy. Gonna get some good sleep tonight, crank out another ten tomorrow, and try to get as much rest as possible. I went to Costco today in the middle of the day to have them look at my flat. Get that taken care of. They have to order the tire, but at least the process has begun.

night night.