Hit an actual wall today with the writing streak. Only four pages today, and then I realized I needed to call it quits and chill. It was the right choice 🙂 I’ll be back at it tomorrow (or Sunday, we’ll see). The last 150 pages are ahead. It’s gotta be vibrant and exciting and real…and hard to do that—impossible, even—when you’re absolutely exhausted. So, a little rest is in order, and then we finish our climb up and down the mountain.

Good podcast with Josh. Great, even. We talked about rhetoric and how important it is to be able to be persuasive. If we can’t be convincing in an argument, how can our characters? And if our characters aren’t being convincing, we’ve lost the audience. It’s a wonderful lens to look at story through, because there are concrete ways to be convincing. Methods, tried and true, for thousands of years. In a word: rhetoric. I need to get better at it. I’m looking forward to it, actually.

For now…sleeeeeep.

Night night.