Been warm in LA, but it finally looks like we have a stretch where its not so bad. High today was 91. That’s warm, no doubt. But it’s a lot better than 101. And by that I mostly mean that with 91, at least, it cools down in the evening. We had a very pleasant walk with the pups, and it wasn’t sweltering. So…yay.

Watched the Women’s Basketball Gold Medal game, finally, today. What a GAME. Wow. Crazy crazy game. I knew they won, so that wasn’t exactly spoiled, and I knew it was only by one point, but the ending was so intense! Really great game, definitely the best women’s basketball game I’ve ever watched.

Hit two-sixty on the book today. I’ll hit 300 on Friday, and ladies and gents, that means home stretch time. And it should line up that way just about perfectly. This novel will clock in right around 400 pages and 100,000 words. Happy with that. That’s the goal for all my books, I think. It’s a good length.

Did some good reading. Started a new book on writing, Sol Stein’s book, who was a big editor for a long time, I guess. It’s already a good read. Apparently he was a writer as well. Reading The Terror, too. That’s been…interesting so far. Flash forward with the first chapter, and then back, maybe? I don’t know. We’ll see. Dan Simmons doing some things.

And now…bed time. Whew. Wiped.