Need to work with Joy on having her face brushed. She’s so squirmy about it, still. Just need to be consistent with it. It’s the only way.

Liz is singing and dancing in the bathroom right now while she does her teeth and nighttime routine. She always gets a surge of energy right before bed. I’m the opposite. I shut doooowwwnnn.

Oh man, I forgot about the earthquake yesterday. Big initial jolt and then tapered off pretty quickly. But the epicenter was over in South Pasadena, so there was some pretty major shaking there, even though it was only like a 4.4 or something like that. Not actually sure what the final magnitude was. I saw several numbers.

Hit 270 pages on the ms today. I’m…man, I’m fighting fatigue big time. I need to try and rest tomorrow as much as I can. Wish me luck in that regard.

Night night.