I love my kitties. I take care of…six of them. They’re all “community cats,” which is to say that they’re feral. None of them were socialized at all when I first met them, but they’ve come around to me since then. Snacks, an orange tabby, has become the most friendly, and I think that’s mostly because I was able to handle him when he was still a kitten. Still, it’s only been the last few months where he’s really wanted to spend time with me. He rubs up against me now and wants to get pats most of the time he sees me. Not all the time, but that’s usually just a mood thing; he’s not into cuddles and scritches. One of the other kitties, Silky, has just started being super affectionate with me, too, lately. He’s a gorgeous Siamese kitty with the ice blue eyes and everything. He is SO SOFT.

I dreamed of Coco last night. She was alive again, but kinda as a zombie, as weird as that sounds, but it wasn’t ghoulish or creepy, she didn’t want brains or anything like that, and she still had her fur and was soft…and she just acted like Coco. She wanted snuggles and food. Made me sad waking up. I missed her. I was kinda blue all day today…but I managed. The book continues apace, as does the read through of it.

Night night.