Got all the writing done today, including the editing. Proud of myself. WIPED tho. Whew. Ready for this book to be done, which is precarious, because I need to make sure I follow through and finish it properly. Which…I will. I have to do some detail outlining tomorrow, actually. I’m going to try and get it all done tomorrow, but we’ll see. It’s a couple finale battles, and I want to make sure I do them justice. If it takes a couple days, so be it.

Whew. That’s about all I got for you tonight, except to say that it’s hard to be working on a book AND trying to improve your writing all at the same time. Like…it makes things uneven. Smoothing that out, now, with the re-reading and the editing, and the thing is: it will improve my abilities eventually. But right now, it’s…uneven.

Night night.