Making some anniversary weekend plans! I’m excited. Ten years this year. We’re gonna have a blast together.

Coops has a hurt eye again, poor bud. He woke us up in the middle of the night last night pacing around and just unable to settle down. Liz eventually went out with him to the living room and slept the rest of the night on the couch. Wasn’t sure what the issue was until morning when I went out, he looked up from the big puffy dog bed, and his right eye was closed and crusty. Luckily, the eye doc he went to last time had openings today, and Liz was able to take him to get checked out. It’s a scratch on his cornea. No freaking idea how it happened, but it’s small and we caught it early. He should be okay in about a week, which is when he gets a checkup. In the meantime, it’s drugs and rest. Uuuugghhh. Poor bud. He’s feeling a lot better already, though, thank you lord.

No writing today. I got overwhelmed with the poor sleep, Coops stuff, and helping Liz with two big auditions. Big as in lots of pages 😛 But also big as in roles she’s right for. Hopefully she gets one of them. We’ll see!

So…reset. Rest. Get a good night’s sleep and back at it tomorrow. Just the moment to pause today made me think about how finishing is always the hardest. Gotta push through. I’m almost there.

Night night.