Irvine is not LA. Just sayin. That’s the OC, and the south OC.

Coops is so much better today! Whew. Eye was open like normal today, no complaints, slept through the night last night, acting like his normal self. We definitely picked up on the injury a lot faster this time, so that’s good.

Got the sequence outlined today that I needed to, and it rocks, now. So. Happy about that. Back to the pages tomorrow! Excited. The end is in sight. Just gotta keep plugging away.

We started The West Wing tonight, because Liz had put it on randomly this morning. It’s sooooo goooood. You were right Josh, as I knew you would be. We might watch the show together. I hope we do. It’s really good.

Dismayed to learn that it’s going to be triple digits this time next week. Ugh. HATE IT. But, it’s just a reminder that we still have two more months of summer ahead of us that will have annoyingly high temperatures even with the sun low in the sky. Blech!

I aaaammmm excited though about having four months still to get more writing done. I think I’ve pivoted my goals to getting my next two books outlined—full book and a novella. It would be SO NICE to start this coming new year cranking those babies out. It’s what I wanted for this year, but couldn’t quite manage it. But, this is going to be the earliest I’ve ever finished a novel, and by about a month, I think. Pretty cool. Just in time for my birthday and anniversary, etc. A trip up north to see Scaddie and Cal, and the book will be prepping for release. Amazing. Living the DREAM.

Just need to focus on the finishing energy, not rush, and push through to the end, nice and steady, consistent, etc.

Night night.