Day 3,954: Cache

Day 3,954: Cache

Got all the writing done today, including the editing. Proud of myself. WIPED tho. Whew. Ready for this book to be done, which is precarious, because I need to make sure I follow through and finish it properly. Which…I will. I have to do some detail outlining...
Day 3,953: Bait

Day 3,953: Bait

I posted thread bait today, and I have regrets. See, here’s the thing: I stand by the “hot take,” which isn’t at all, really, given that a lot of people feel the same, but I framed it that way and it worked. Easily the most-seen and discussed post I’ve had on there in...
Day 3,952: Sleepy Day

Day 3,952: Sleepy Day

Had a very chill, very sleepy day today, which was exactly what I needed. And now, it’s bed time already, so this is going to be another super short entry…but we’re back on the grind tomorrow. Got a book to finish 🙂
Day 3,951: Window

Day 3,951: Window

Y’all…Rear Window is *so* *good*. It’s kinda wild, actually, watching all of Hitch’s movies in sequence, seeing all his ups and downs, and bam, hitting this one and it’s an instant classic, instantly better than anything else he’s ever done. Doubly exciting, too,...
Day 3,950: Walz

Day 3,950: Walz

Hit a little wall today. Not to worry, I’m back at it tomorrow! I just…needed a chill evening. Did too much today and yesterday that was extra. Sigh. But I have the weekend free, I have next week…the book should be done by then. Plus about another week for some...