Day 3,944: Oh Hai

Day 3,944: Oh Hai

Three hundred pages. Almost. I actually was slightly short, 298 pages because I accidentally fell asleep during the meditation before my last writing session. That hasn’t happened in FOREVER. I guess I was tired. Busy busy week, it makes sense. But I only got about...
Day 3,943: That Hill

Day 3,943: That Hill

Whew. Busy, busy day. As I knew it would be. But I did it! Got allllmost everything done. Should be good by tomorrow. And I’ll hit 300 pages on the manuscript, which will be a major milestone. Almost into act three, ie- the final showdown. Should be about 100 pages to...
Day 3,942: Like Nine Thousand

Day 3,942: Like Nine Thousand

Much less wiped today for whatever reason. I think it might be because I didn’t go so hard on the reading. That definitely taxes the brain, at least when it’s educational reading, like I was doing yesterday. Or, maybe, it’s just the ups and downs of my moon and my...
Day 3,941: Brush

Day 3,941: Brush

Need to work with Joy on having her face brushed. She’s so squirmy about it, still. Just need to be consistent with it. It’s the only way. Liz is singing and dancing in the bathroom right now while she does her teeth and nighttime routine. She always gets a surge of...
Day 3,940: Sweater Coops

Day 3,940: Sweater Coops

Been warm in LA, but it finally looks like we have a stretch where its not so bad. High today was 91. That’s warm, no doubt. But it’s a lot better than 101. And by that I mostly mean that with 91, at least, it cools down in the evening. We had a very pleasant walk...