Day 3,939: Built To Last

Day 3,939: Built To Last

The Olympics are done. Gonna miss those, but excited for all the sports coming on its heels: rest of the WNBA season, Wrexham just kicked off their long season, Football preseason games have started, and basketball is about two months away. TONS of the sports. Getting...
Day 3,938: Nil

Day 3,938: Nil

An off day today. As in, I took it off from pretty much everything. Watched TV. Played Switch with Wolfie. Took a nap. Ate food. Walked the dogs. Hung out with Liz. Read. A good day. I need a few of them, actually, lol. But one step at a time. I’m getting close to the...
Day 3,937: Keeping Up

Day 3,937: Keeping Up

Hit an actual wall today with the writing streak. Only four pages today, and then I realized I needed to call it quits and chill. It was the right choice 🙂 I’ll be back at it tomorrow (or Sunday, we’ll see). The last 150 pages are ahead. It’s gotta be vibrant and...
Day 3,936: Know Thyself

Day 3,936: Know Thyself

Another day, another ten pages biiiitches. Yeah! It’s easy for me to forget that I’m writing a book faster than I ever have before. It’s disorienting. As it always is whenever I’m doing something I haven’t done before. That disorientation is exhausting. I’m fighting...
Day 3,935: Rippin

Day 3,935: Rippin

Definitely struggling with the resistance at the moment, but what’s crazy is that I’m used to ten pages a day enough now that…I just do it. Even though the resistance part of me is freaking out and trying to put a halt on everything—for no other reason than just, I’m...