Day 3,975: Three-Forty

Day 3,975: Three-Forty

100 pages left. That’s what I have to read and edit through. Man…a couple days ago, I really didn’t know if I was going to be able to get through it all, but here I am. A day and a half away, probably, from having this book ready to send off. Whew. If I didn’t get...
Day 3,974: Bc We Weren’t Here

Day 3,974: Bc We Weren’t Here

I had the writing and editing day today that I needed, thank the lawd. I think I got through…almost seventy pages? Whew. My co-writer needs this book, like, yesterday to send to his editor, so I needed to get my rear in gear. This is just such a busy time of year for...
Day 3,973: Blanket Mon Star

Day 3,973: Blanket Mon Star

Well, I had a decent work day today. Not great, but decent. Better than nothing. It does mean I need to fucking JAM tomorrow, though. Gonna see if I can get through 100 pages. I think I can, actually, I just need to focus. Work my booty off. It’ll feel good to do it,...
Day 3,972: Bidet

Day 3,972: Bidet

Had a wonderful birthday today. It was CHILL, which is exactly what I wanted. I wrote. I got my Netflix work done. And then Josh came over and we podcasted. Watched Hitch. Man…and now, sleep. I am wiiiiiped. Wiped wiped wiped. Night night.
Day 3,971: Kermit

Day 3,971: Kermit

“When you are broke, nothing is cheap.” I’m reading a new wine book. It’s called Adventures on the Wine Route by one of the most influential modern importers in the US, Kermit Lynch. It’s…very good so far. He goes by region and tells tales about the people and wines...