I should hit juuuust about 100 thousand words tomorrow on the book. HOOOOOOMMMEEEE stretch.

I am wiped. Fifteen pages (that’s about 3,600 words, give or take), plus another 25 pages of reading/editing. Whew. Zapped. Zonked. Zilched. I do it again tomorrow, which should get me to that 100k mark. Always a landmark, that. 100 thousand words is just about the perfect length for a novel. Granted, all of the Glory books have been pretty heftily above that number so far, but this book won’t be. Not as much as the others, I think. I mean, we’ll see…but what I’m writing right now are the very last action sequences. I’m close. Very close to the end. I don’t anticipate it being that much beyond 100k, maybe…10k words more? 15? We’ll see. All the other Glory books turned out 125+

It’s going to feel SO GOOD to have this thing done. Right now…I feel the work to be done. But, I’ve got this. Finishing energy. Let’s go.

Night night.