Fifteen pages today! Zonnkkkkkeeeddd…but yeah. I got them pages done. Just a couple more sequences one, only one of them a major one.

I did not get the reading and editing done, however. It took all I had to get the fifteen pages out. So…that’s okay. That’s another day added onto the end of this process. Not the end of the world. The biggest push is just getting the book written. Which I am SO CLOSE to finishing.

Man, that’s about all I have to share today. I took an epic nap. I’m very, very grateful for the extra day on the weekend, it really put me in position to be able to finish this thing…

Oh, I guess if you listen to the Film School podcast, you’ll see this is now two weeks in a row without an episode. I’m sorry about that, it’s literally because of this push to finish the book. Back at it in a week or two. We’ve been recording episodes per normal in the meantime, I just haven’t been able to edit them.

Night night!