I’m going to finish my book tomorrow. I think. We’ll see how long these last scenes turn out, but it really is just one more little action sequence, and then the very last scenes. The wrap-up. Setup, really, for the next book, seeing as this one is a two-parter. Mwahahaa. That’s clear in the title, though, and aaactually, not nearly as much of a cliffhanger between these two as I’d initially envisioned. More of a period on the first part of the action, and then dropping anticipating for the next part…which is a surprise the characters. Hopefully to the readers, too, in a very, very good way. Like a, I can’t wait to see THAT kinda way.

We’ll see.

Took my 22 pages to get there today, but I wasn’t even counting. I just knew I needed to get there. Setup now for the very last home stretch. Oh, it feels good. I know my co-writer is jazzed about it, too.

In other news: it is HOT here in LA, holy craaaappp. Super super hot stretch, like the kind we get maybe only once a year, once every two years. Triple digits+ for an entire week. Currently 10pm and still 90 outside kind of hot. Hate it. Thank god for AC. Randomly: thank god for work being a bit slow today, too. Really enabled me to catch up on the pages. Whew.

Coops got his eye checked today, and doc says it’s healed. No more cone of shame for him—yay Coops—and no more 3am eye drops—yay Bear. Also heard from his blood panel, and doc said his kidney values aren’t great at the moment, so he needs some diet changes before we look at more serious meds, see if maybe those can head it off and do the trick. I hope so. We have friends with a cat who’s had some major kidney issues, and they have to give her meds via injection every day, which she hates. That would…I mean obviously we’d do it, but it would suck for sure. Also makes going out of town much harder. But…we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, for sure. Right now, it’s just some special food we need to pick, and adding broth or cheese to his meals. Pretty easy. Hopefully that works. And he gets checked again in four months to see if that helps change anything.

Poor bud. He’s just starting to get older, I guess, which is inconceivable to me. It was just yesterday that we got him as a pup.

He trusts Joy, now. He’s not afraid of her anymore at all. In fact, I think he’s grateful she’s around, he defers to her a lot of the time. Especially when she hears something he didn’t and starts barking.

Anyway…feeling a little melancholy about the boy, I guess. Love him so much. He’s my little shadow. Always has been.

Night night.