Reporting live from the surface of the gawdam sun tonight. It’s still…95º outside at 10:30 in the evening. Got up to 112º today, and you could feel every degree of that shit. I mean, it was HOT. The hottest it gets here in LA — though there was one year, I remember, where it got up to 118, but that was for a single day…this is going to last another four days, apparently. It’s the consecutive days of 100+ that are really the killer, because it doesn’t cool down. I walked the dogs at 8pm, which I think is around 45 minutes after sundown, and it was still 102º. Poor babes. We made it a short one, and drank lots of water.

I didn’t quite finish the book, but it will be done tomorrow. For sure. I did it. I got the thing done before our little trip. Almost exactly two months to write about 115,000 words. Gonna be about 440 pages, I think, which is perfect. It’s the perfect length. Hopefully everyone likes it.

Wiped. Zonked. Flattened. Dehydrated. Our poor AC in the main part of the house just can’t keep up when it gets this hot. By the hottest part of the afternoon, it was running constantly and only holding us at 81º. Ugh. Better than outside, though. Just…warm.

Night night.