It’s our ten year wedding anniversary today. Ten years ago, right around right now, we’d just gotten married and were parting it up in Maui. One of the happiest days of my life, truly. A banner day.

Today was, too! I finished my fifth novel today. Or, drafting it, at least. Needs some work from my cowriter, then a couple scene fixes from me after that…and then it’s done. Off to the editor, at least. Out later this year. And I get started on planning out the next one right after that.

Happy tenth anniversary, Bear. I love you so, so much. We shared some sweets and champagne tonight before bed, and laughed and talked about the dogs and the future and the past. It was lovely. A nice little pre-game before our weekend trip, which I am SO EXCITED about.

And in that regard…it’s time for sleep. Night night.