Got to spend the whole day with my wife today. We drove up to wine country and tasted some delicious wines, we ate some delicious food, we swam in a fabulous pool, and now we’re prepping for a fabulous snooze. Happy Ten Years.

We’ve needed a trip like this. Been a while. Over a year, I think. So, this trip is a welcome treat. Can’t tell you how good it feels to have the book done, going on this trip. I still have work to do, for sure, but the manuscript is written. Earliest I’ve ever finished one, really, which is pretty freaking cool. And I’m already set up to get a far bigger jump start on the next one than I ever have before, so that one should break this current record for quickest turnaround. I’m excited for all that. Excited to get more books out. Tighten up my writing process. And to challenge myself and really learn some new skills, up my game, keep progressing.

In a good place right now. Night night.