A wonderful weekend. I am WIPED.

We did a wine tasting today, and it was a GREAT success because we ended up walking out with six wines, lol. They were all great, though. Very fresh, which is what Liz really loves. I had a killer freaking pinot from Sta Rita Hills, it was so delicious I can still taste it. I probably should have bought a bottle of it, too, but whatevs. I didn’t. Lots of delicious pinots out there.

It’s a bolder style I like, I realize. The lighter stuff tends to be a little more funky, more mushroom-y, and those aren’t my favorite. I like a bolder style so long as it’s earthy rather than…fruity. I haaaaaatteeee the spicy/fruity pinots. “Cherry Cola” is a pass from me, dawg…but the fuller bodied earthy shit? SIGN ME UP.

Dinner was insane. The pool was dope. Took a great nap. Wine tasting early was great, because it helped us beat the heat. Still going to be crazy hot tomorrow, but then LA finally gets a reprieve.

Very happy tonight. Great way to celebrate our 10th anniversary. Night night.