It is FINALLY cooler here in LA after a literal week of near-110 degree heat. That is very, very uncommon for LA, and I’ve lived here for more than twenty years. Whew, it was hot as balls there forever. But, the forecast ahead is for something more reasonable. I’m here for.

Work was BUSY today. In fact, I’m writing this on my computer out in my office because work ran so late. But, I got everything done I needed to. No writing today, but I’m back at that tomorrow. I have reading and editing to do on the manuscript I just finished. Should have that done just in time for my co-writer to send me back his portion, a couple quick changes to make on that, and then its off to the editor, kids. Excited! After that…detailed outline for the next one. Gonna get myself all set up for next year. I’ll finally, FINALLY finish more than one book next year. That’s the goal, and I’m actually in a position this year to make it happen.

Debate tonight. Consensus is that Harris won. Thank god. Trump literally gives me so much anxiety I can’t even watch him. So, I didn’t. Much. Caught bits and pieces. Liz watched it and filled me in. I just can’t handle another term from that narcissistic, toxic child. He’s the most dangerous person in American political history in…more than 100 years? 150? It’s insane.

Anyway…tired. Happy to be back at the grind, actually, but certainly not back into a rhythm yet. Hoping that happens tomorrow. Wish me luck.