“When you are broke, nothing is cheap.”

I’m reading a new wine book. It’s called Adventures on the Wine Route by one of the most influential modern importers in the US, Kermit Lynch. It’s…very good so far. He goes by region and tells tales about the people and wines that stood out from each during his long career. So many great stories already. I love reading these books before bed, adding producers and wines to my wishlist of stuff to check out someday. It’s like being a book lover; there were always be more wines to try than I can ever get to.

“Anyone who has a collection is autistic.” That’s a gem from Liz just now as I shared my little simile from up there.

Got some editing done today. Not as much as I needed to, tbh. I just struggled with it. Which, I mean, I know why: I got knocked out of my rhythm. This is a different type of task. It’s hard for me. It throws me. And after all that effort actually writing the words, I find it hard to muster up all the energy necessary to actually, closely read those words and make sure they’re in good shape.


We persist. Tomorrow.

Night night.