Well, I had a decent work day today. Not great, but decent. Better than nothing. It does mean I need to fucking JAM tomorrow, though. Gonna see if I can get through 100 pages. I think I can, actually, I just need to focus. Work my booty off. It’ll feel good to do it, too. A relief. And set me up to finish the book out over the following couple days.

It was a good day today, though. I took a really nice nap. A necessary nap. And I ate good food — we got indian food last night for podcasting and my birthday. My favorite thing about when we get indian food is that we get A LOT of it so we can continue to eat it for several days. Loooooovvvveee ttthhaaaaattttt. Liz and I finished Alien 3. It’s…not great. Some interesting stuff, but mostly it leaves me feeling like we should have just left this universe alone, man. I don’t think anything after Aliens has really done anything interesting to the universe. It’s a *very* *simple* premise. Truly, it doesn’t need more. But, that said, we are really enjoying watching all of them together. It’s so fun.

I went and got my birthday wine, too. A Pomerol. Right bank Bordeaux. Mostly merlot, I think? Can’t remember which is which. Maybe right bank is Cab. Nope, just looked it up: I was correct. Right bank is mostly merlot. Either way, that shit is delicious. And Pomerol is one of the super amazing places. Used up my BevMo gift cards to get it. Yum yum. I’ll open it sometime special. Should be good—perhaps even better—to sit for a while.

After reading this last wine book slowly before bed, I realized that there are bunch of really classic, top notch wines from really great producers that are expensive, yes, but not, like crazy. Not bottles that can’t be saved up a little bit for—we’re talking within the $100 to $200 range. And I want to do that. I want to save up for those great wines over the next year or two and stash them away for special occasions, so I can taste what the supposed bests are. And in the meantime, I’ve collected some everyday-type wines that I really enjoy, and I can sip on those in the meantime, you know? I have this wine fridge to keep the bottles safe. I can use it.

I’ve always kinda been like that, I realize now that I’m older: I’d rather save up a bit more money to buy the best than get something lower tier for cheaper. I think in some kind of weird backward way it’s because money has always been hard to come by for me, I want that shit to work. I want it to be great. Spending money on something subpar just feels like an atrocity to me…so yeah. It makes me quality-obsessed, I guess.

Anyway, Liz is now yelling direction words at me in spanish—arriba, abajo, frente, atrás, etc.—so it’s time for sleep. Buenas Noches!