I had the writing and editing day today that I needed, thank the lawd. I think I got through…almost seventy pages? Whew. My co-writer needs this book, like, yesterday to send to his editor, so I needed to get my rear in gear. This is just such a busy time of year for me, you know? Anniversaries, Birthdays, etc. But, I’m set up, now, to jam over the next few days and actually get ‘er done.

We went over to Liz and Ali’s house for a little Ali Birthday shindig, and that was so nice. They have a really, really nice group of friends. We all had a wonderful time hanging out together. That was nice.

Watched the Niners lose. Didn’t get to see the Baku race, but I’ll have time to catch it eventually. Same thing with the Wrexham game tomorrow…I’ll watch it eventually. Maybe a bit during lunch. Pretty sure it starts late. But, tomorrow is the same story: I need to jam on the writing. Get this book out the door.

Pups are so happy we’re home. Coops is passed out over on his blanket down by the end of the bed, his faaaaavorite spot. Joy is passed out in between my legs, her faaaaaavorite spot. Very cozy. It was so nice out today. Warm, but not hot at all. Cool in the morning and evening. Perfect. It’s so nice doing my writing early out in my office with it cool and gray, and then it burns off in the afternoon. LOVE. IT.

Night night.