100 pages left. That’s what I have to read and edit through. Man…a couple days ago, I really didn’t know if I was going to be able to get through it all, but here I am. A day and a half away, probably, from having this book ready to send off. Whew. If I didn’t get through it by Wednesday, it wasn’t going to get done. I’d have had to ship it, regardless. Our editor is waiting.

Hopefully people like the book. For me, personally, I think it’s somewhere in between that last book I wrote, the third book, and the second book in the series, in terms of my favorites. My cowriter says it’s his favorite so far. I think all of that bodes well, but we’ll see. It’s always never-wracking to put one of these babies out there for the world to judge…but that is the way of things.

Work was busy. I could have got more done on the writing front, but work was almost slammed, even. Whew. Tired.

Popped one of the bottles we bought up on our wine trip. I was curious to see how it would differ from the tasting room. It’s so much fruitier than I remember! Tart, red fruit, with some hints of other stuff going on in the background, maybe, but I think I need to let it sit out more for next time, let it open up some more. What I remember in the tasting room is that it was very light in style, the same red fruit, and funky…like, mushrooms. Not all necessarily my favorite, but some people I really respect who’ve never led me astray really liked this style, this wine, and so I want to give it an extended try. We’ll see how it tastes tomorrow.

Joy just buried into me. It’s sleep time. Night night!