Forty pages left. I think that means I got through slightly less pages than I’d planned for today, but it doesn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was getting within striking distance of the end by today, and I did. I am. I only went a little slower today because some sections needed more love than others.

Zonked. I wasn’t during the day, but my last stretch stint got me there. Zonked now. And…thinking about my writing as a whole, as a career. I’m getting much, much closer to the right rhythm; a writing habit that I can maintain forever. REEAAALLLY close, as in, the only thing I really need to find, now, is the expectations on how much work I can actually get done over the long term; say, how many books a year. I think it might be three…but I’m not there yet. Working on it.

First, gotta finish this one. And then the next. And so on.

I’ll tell you this, though: it feels gooooooood to finish a book. Hooo boy it does.

Work was busy again today, but I handled my shiz. Got to hang out a little bit with Bear. No nap. …tired. lol. That’s all I got today. Night night 🙂