Man…port wines are gooooood shit. Just had a lovely evening of sitting out in Scott and Addie’s backyard by the fire pit, drinking wine and eating food. It was lovely. We ended up eating these cookies we’d got from New Seasons and opening this port-style dessert wine we’d bought from wine tastings back in December and it was SO GOOD.

Earlier than that, we went to the Japanese garden, which honestly was spectacular. Easily one of the coolest gardens I’ve ever been too. Scott thought the same. And then we went to meet with J and had delicious Thai food with her friend Perrin. SO. GOOD. Massive lunch. Didn’t even eat a full dinner because of it.

Went over to J’s house after that and took a nap with Char, which was very special because I haven’t seen her in like two years, she’s older now, and she slept on my legs. Sweet baby. She’s such a sweetheart, and I like to think that she remembered me even though it’s been a couple years. She’s so SOFT, too.

It was a really, really nice day.