Day 3,972: Bidet

Day 3,972: Bidet

Had a wonderful birthday today. It was CHILL, which is exactly what I wanted. I wrote. I got my Netflix work done. And then Josh came over and we podcasted. Watched Hitch. Man…and now, sleep. I am wiiiiiped. Wiped wiped wiped. Night night.
Day 3,971: Kermit

Day 3,971: Kermit

“When you are broke, nothing is cheap.” I’m reading a new wine book. It’s called Adventures on the Wine Route by one of the most influential modern importers in the US, Kermit Lynch. It’s…very good so far. He goes by region and tells tales about the people and wines...
Day 3,970: Looking For Treats

Day 3,970: Looking For Treats

Glorious in LA today. Cool. Got warm, but not too warm. I was able to keep the door to my office almost all day. Restless, though. Not in the groove. Feeling disjointed. I mean I got all my stuff done, which is great, but I don’t feel great. I feel…like my feet aren’t...
Day 3,969: Deb Eight

Day 3,969: Deb Eight

It is FINALLY cooler here in LA after a literal week of near-110 degree heat. That is very, very uncommon for LA, and I’ve lived here for more than twenty years. Whew, it was hot as balls there forever. But, the forecast ahead is for something more reasonable....
Day 3,968: Darby

Day 3,968: Darby

Busy day during the day today, but in the evening, it was nice to be home. I watched the Niners beat the Jets on Monday Night Football. And then I got to watch a bit of the Wrexham win on Saturday. I know we were supposed to beat Shrewsbury, but it was still nice to...