Day 3,962: Pandas

Day 3,962: Pandas

I’ve been with my wife for twenty years, today. That’s including the time we spent dating. CRAZY RIGHT? Twenty years. It’s wild. So grateful for her. So grateful for the life we’ve built together. It’s late, already. We just spend like half an hour just talking about...
Day 3,961: Places

Day 3,961: Places

Fifteen pages today! Zonnkkkkkeeeddd…but yeah. I got them pages done. Just a couple more sequences one, only one of them a major one. I did not get the reading and editing done, however. It took all I had to get the fifteen pages out. So…that’s okay. That’s another...
Day 3,960: 100 pre-K

Day 3,960: 100 pre-K

I should hit juuuust about 100 thousand words tomorrow on the book. HOOOOOOMMMEEEE stretch. I am wiped. Fifteen pages (that’s about 3,600 words, give or take), plus another 25 pages of reading/editing. Whew. Zapped. Zonked. Zilched. I do it again tomorrow, which...