What have I been putting off doing?

That’s the WordPress prompt today. Daily question. I’ll give it a try. Not sure if I’ll stick with WordPress’s prompts, but it works for tonight since I haven’t looked up anything else yet.

I’ve been putting off doing SO MUCH. The first thing that came to mind was cleaning our floors. Like, scrubbing them down back to pristine condition. They’re a light color of wood, so you can see that shit if you look closely. Ugh. I hate it. The problem is that it takes a lot of work. Several days’ worth. So, yeah.

But, if I dig a little deeper, like REALLY down there, what have I been putting off? Reaching out to my biological father.

I’ve never met him. And it’ll be awkward. It’ll be uncomfortable in the extreme. I don’t know what I want from somebody who’s never been in my life like that, you know? I struggle with a reason to do it, because I don’t want to do it. He’ll probably think I want something from him. And I guess, by definition, I would want something from him if I were to reach out to meet him.

Medical records come to mind. I’m getting old enough that I should know if there’s stuff I need to, like, watch out for, you know? I just…haven’t done it. I don’t want to do it. But I probably should.

That’s the realest answer I think I can give that prompt. I don’t know if it was intended to seek an answer quite that deep down, but that’s what came up when I reached.

Today was a good day. Still no writing, but I had a nice nap, got to see Derrick and Gary, had really good chats with both of them, met their new kitten Yogi, played a little Mass Effect (it got hard!), took care of the pups, and watched The Mist with Liz, who’d never seen it, and man…that movie holds up. It’s so intense, too, and unexpectedly so for the kind of silly-style horror premise it starts out with. What Darabont DOES with that premise is intense.

Night night.