Are you taking enough risks in your life?

I struggle with taking risks, for sure. I am a rule-follower, I always have been, and I never do anything just off the cuff. I’m a chronic over-preparer. But that said…

Yeah. I actually think I do take enough risks. Like, being an author is a risk. I put myself out there for judgement in a way that very few people do—in a way that I didn’t do for a very, very long time. And I am super happy with myself for doing so now. It’s hard ass work. It’s a hustle. I have to get my ass out of bed EARLY to do this thing, and I work late. I do it on top of everything else in my life, and yeah, I think that qualifies as a risk.

So…do I wish I could just dive into things easier? I do. I really do. Do I wish I was less afraid of failure, which is another way to say taking risks was easier for me? One-thousand percent. I will struggle with that for the rest of my life, I think. But if I look at my track-record, the small steps I’ve taken over the course of my life so far, all the inflection points in my life and the decisions I made at those moments…I make the bolder, “riskier” decision each time. The right decision. I am very proud, and very grateful for that.


Another super productive day. Takes it out of me, though, I’ll tell you that much. I got off all the updated editions of the first three Glory books to my co-writer. That took me much longer than I expected. I expected, like, an hour or two. It took me two solid days, lol. BUT…they are dialed in. All the links are correct. Set up to start capturing my readers—or at least offering them the opportunity—so I can use this Glory series to launch some other series in the future. A free novella is what’s being offered in exchange for an email signup. Tried and true method to gain subscribers, and I want it to be purely organic. I want a list of readers who’ve actually read my stuff and want to read more, not just looking for a free giveaway to collect. That’s a list who will actually be interested in buying new books from me.

Missing the actual email list part of that, unfortunately. Tried to get it set up last week, but I need some info from my provider to finish. Sigh. But soon! That’s the next project.

Tommen went back home to day. Miss him already.

A good day. It was nice and cool and misty out this morning. Woot!