Oops. Didn’t post this last night BUT…
Under the weather today. It’s weird because the symptoms are so mild, but I am definitely fighting something. I feel it mostly in my stomach, which has been super fragile. Some achy-ness, too, and a little tiny bit of post-nasal drip. And tired. Super duper wiped. I got it from visiting the kids, I’m sure.
Work continues to be slow, but there are a couple things coming in tomorrow. That’ll be good. And I keep plugging away on getting myself set up for the release of the new Glory book. It’s mostly trying to get this new email list up and running — currently hung up on the signup form, getting it to look nice. That’s been a challenge. It needs, mostly, to look good whether it’s on a computer, a kindle, or a phone, whatever the case may be, and that requires some coding beyond the super basic html form that my email service has provided me. I’m SO CLOSE to getting it to work, but it’s not quite there yet. Sigh. I might just use two different services because of it, one to onboard new subs, and then move them over to the other for actual ongoing news and updates. We’ll see.
Hoping I’ll feel better tomorrow. Night night.