What alternative career paths have I considered?
Oh, man. I’ve considered SO MANY, lol.
I think, probably, the most wild one I considered early on was nursing, and by that I just mean it’s so far from what I ended up doing. I went to school for it, actually, for a whole-ass year before realizing it wasn’t going to be a good fit. I remember when I realized it, too: I was in my anatomy class and a couple people in there were discussing the nursing-type work they were already doing. One of them was sharing how she had to clean up someone’s poop…and I realized it wasn’t going to be for me. There was a lot about nursing that was fascinating to me. Learning all the medical stuff was really super interesting, but I knew the caretaking aspect of it wasn’t going to be stimulating enough. I lived inside my head too much. I wasn’t going to be making anything, which was where my true passion lay. I wanted to create. And at the time, I was going to nursing school so I could have a day job in order to create. It was always just going to be a day job, something I did because I had to in order to otherwise do what I wanted to. I decided to switch my major and actually get trained in what I truly wanted to do. The day job could be something lower on the job-ladder. It was the right decision.
Of course, what I switched to also ended up being somewhat off. Definitely not a mistake—in fact I credit what I actually got a degree in with EVERYTHING that I’ve done in my life so far, career-wise, but it wasn’t specifically what I went to school for that made it such a perfect decision. I majored in acting, and my first career I pursued down here in LA was acting. That ended up being not quite the right fit for me. I’m much happier as a writer. But, man…what I studied in theater school changed my goddamn life. I learned about what true excellence is, and how one achieves it—how much work it takes, how much respect, and in general a knowledge of who the greats are and why they’re the greats. It was a transformative time for me, and I carry those foundational lessons with me to this day.
It was allllmost a normal day today for me. Still needed to sleep in, and still needed to take a massive nap in the middle of the day, but I was otherwise pretty good. Work picked up ever so slightly for me, which was nice, and I finally FINALLY got the email system set up for Glory. That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. I ditched figuring out how to make this opt-in form on my own with my new provider, and just got myself set up with an existing provider to handle sign-ups and the welcome sequence, and then periodically I can import those subs over into the actual provider I’m going to use on a long-term basis. That way, for the other onboarding mail service, I’ll be removing those subs as I go, and I should be able to easily stay under the threshold to keep that account free. Should work. And if it doesn’t, I can hire someone to get me a nice-looking form that will just work straight with my main service provider (which is FAR more reasonably-priced of a service).
Yeah. Huge weight off.
Liz and I went and got BDC Tofu for lunch. That was absolutely delightful. We hadn’t been there in, man…a year, maybe? I don’t know why it’s been so long. Neither of us could figure out why. But the place is still there, still delicious, and we had a wonderful lunch together.
Now…sleep. I’m up tomorrow on time, come hell or high water. Gotta get back into the groove. Get this outline done.
Night night.