What is my favorite form of physical exercise?

Oh, man, that’s actually pretty easy to answer: anything competitive. Like, if there’s a score involved, even if it’s against myself (like, golf, for example), I’m in. I don’t even realize that I’m “working out.” I just be sweating. Tennis has been that sport for me most recently, I guess, even though I haven’t been playing tennis regularly for almost ten years now. Sigh. I have a friend I could do it with, but we haven’t made the time for it. We need to. I should message him about it. Figure that shit out. But, in the past, it’s been basketball, baseball, etc.

Most recently, and I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite because I have to drag myself to it sometimes, but it is very, very satisfying and fulfilling to do: yoga. I’ve been pretty regular with it, except for the past few months where I’ve fallen out of rhythm with it. But, I’m actually trying to get back into it starting on Monday! Another month. Start there, see what happens. That, and doing sit-ups and push-ups; those are my physical exercises right now.

Oh! And biking. Man, I’ve really fallen back in love with riding my bike over the past year+, ever since our bicycle trip through France. Riding a bike is freaking dope, man. I listen to my audiobook and just ride. It’s the best. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow.

Lastly…and here’s the real answer, even though it’s not high-intensity physical exercise, I think it still counts: by far my favorite physical activity is walking my dogs. I do it twice a day, every day, and I love it. I love being with them, letting them smell, seeing the other dogs and people in the neighborhood, I love how happy they are heading out to do it, and how happy they are to come home. Walking my dogs is the best. Best ever. Forever and ever.


We watched It Follows tonight with Gary and Derrick, they came over, and it was so fun! I really liked the movie a lot. It was creepy in parts, and super, super simple. Delightfully simple, and I don’t mean that in a way that it was, like, basic, or predictable. It was remarkably simple in a way that felt like true horror. Claustrophobic-simple. Really enjoyed it.

Also got to have lunch today with Nina and Amir. We did Sweet Butter in our neck of the woods, kinda because they’re thinking about buying a house over on this side of the hill. I really hope they do! We love it over here. It’s just less intense than the other side, and there’s still plenty of fun places to go.

Took a nap. Watched last night’s Warriors game COMPLETELY forgetting, somehow, that Wrexham had a game this morning. Somehow I thought it wasn’t today, that they weren’t playing again until, like, tuesday or thursday or something like that, but I think that’s actually NEXT week that happens. Ugh. And I had the score ruined for me. By myself. But, whatever. I’m still looking forward to sitting down and watching it tomorrow regardless. Looks like it was a back and forth game that we were literally seconds away from winning except for a late hand-ball in the penalty area, which let them tie the game up. Ugh. Should have been a win. It’ll be interesting to see how it all went down, though.

Night night!