Joy is licking the carpet underneath our bed right now, which is very disturbing. WHY???? Did, like, Cooper puke down there or something? I looked and shined a light and it looked totally normal. Ugh. Probably, like, some crumbs under there from Cooper eating one of his nighttime treats or something, but still! Hate it.

Joy is such a little puppy still in so many ways. She wants to eat almost everything. Or, at least put it in her mouth. She doesn’t eat everything like she used to, thank lord. But she’ll still bite down on anything.

She’s so cute.

Quick one tonight because I’m wiped…but we went and saw Mira and Tilde’s recital today. Mir sang some songs and Tilde played one of the themes from Howl’s Moving Castle. All very impressive. Complicated melodies galore! So proud of them. Gotta show up for stuff like that, you know?

Now…sleep. Night night.