Maaaannn…we started watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy tonight, as we are wont to do around this time of year, and…it’s so freaking good. SO good. One of those rare, once in a lifetime classics that comes along and just blows you away. That good. Now, the extended editions are certainly not perfect—the theatrical pacing is faaarrr superior for example, and most of those scenes added back in were cut for very good reasons…but the movies are so damn good that you literally don’t care! All the extra stuff is just extra, you know? It just adds to the fun.

Had Wolfie and Tilde over today for a nice hang. We played video games—he loaded up my BoTW save and played around with that the whole time. I have the master zero motorcycle, so he had fun with that, and had fun walloping on all the baddies with ease because I’ve gained so much power and whatnot. He did meet his match with a Lynel, though. Those are still super hard to fight, even with all that power. That was fun. Tilde and Liz colored together. I love that we have such a fun time with those kids. It’s genuinely a good time.

Took a nice long afternoon nap. Walked the pups. Watched the rest of The Holdovers which is objectively a fine movie. Good, even. It falls short of great, but I still enjoyed it. It’s very, very sweet. Could have been great—I think if Alexander Payne had taken a pass himself on the screenplay, as he did for his best films, it may have been—but it’s still good enough. I say watch it. It’s a good one for the holidays, too.

Night night.