Day 4,087: Golf!

Day 4,087: Golf!

What is the greatest gift someone could give me? Time. Which isn’t practical, but that’s the first thing I thought of: more time. I feel like that’s the one thing that actually isn’t possible, so therefore it would be the greatest gift. Practically speaking?...
Day 4,086: Squawking Continues

Day 4,086: Squawking Continues

We’re five movies away from finishing Hitchcock. Wild. Tonight it was The Birds. It holds up in some ways, mostly in how influential it was on movies that followed. He did that back to back, in fact, with this one and Psycho. Pretty cool. But, yeah…home stretch, which...
Day 4,085: Time For Math

Day 4,085: Time For Math

Do I “play” in my daily life? What says “play” to me? I play constantly. Genuinely—Liz and I play games all the time. They mostly revolve around word/music games, where we make up songs or lyrics to existing songs. I guess it’s one, long improv game of yes-and. I also...
Day 4,084: White Streaks

Day 4,084: White Streaks

What are my biggest challenges? Getting up in the morning is one of them. I’m decent at it, to be clear…but it is a CHALLENGE every. Single. Day. I’m not joking about that. It’s truly a challenge. That’s a weak point for me when it comes to resistance—if I don’t get...