Do I “play” in my daily life? What says “play” to me?
I play constantly. Genuinely—Liz and I play games all the time. They mostly revolve around word/music games, where we make up songs or lyrics to existing songs. I guess it’s one, long improv game of yes-and.
I also play with my dogs all the time. Blanket monster with Joy, or fetch. The dogs keep me young for sure.
And I’d consider my writing “play,” absolutely. I’m playing make-believe whenever I write.
I’ve always considered myself to be a very playful person. I like humor, which is definitely a form of play, I like music and improv in general, which is one specific way I surround myself with laughter, and I have a very active imagination. To me, that’s the stuff that literally makes life worth living. It’s a huge part of who I am, and I think I inject into pretty much everything I do.
Tired. Good work day today. My outline is somehow in better shape than I thought it was, and I had a couple big picture epiphanies that popped into being because I spent some time away from it. That’s always nice.
Work was quiet, which suited me just fine. I was able to get done what I needed to get done without any interruption. Didn’t get any of my reading done, which I’m a little bummed about, but that’s the way it goes. I did get a bunch of other stuff done on my to-do list, however, instead, and that was very good.
Night night!