What is the greatest gift someone could give me?
Time. Which isn’t practical, but that’s the first thing I thought of: more time. I feel like that’s the one thing that actually isn’t possible, so therefore it would be the greatest gift.
Practically speaking? Hmm…really just anything that helps me do the things I love doing. The best gifts are a reflection of how well the other person knows and understands us. It’s not so much the gift/item itself as it is the gesture of “I know who you are, and you’re going to love this.” Those are the best gifts.
I played golf today—PROPER 18-hole golf—for the first time in I think six years. It’s wild how long it’s been. I used to play enough that I kept my clubs in my car at all times. But those were the days when I didn’t work so strictly 9-5. Daytime during the week is my favorite time to go and play because the course is dead. I can be by myself out there. I love that the most, or I love playing with a friend the most. Either/or. But on the weekends or early/late, you’re always going to play with a stranger. Not that it sucks that way, it’s usually totally fine…but socializing is an effort for me. It takes energy. And so it’s always nice when I don’t have to, you know?
I play with three other guys today, strangers, and they were all very nice. We mostly kept to ourselves, which I appreciated. But I did it. For the first time in six years, I did it, and it was glorious. I was rubbish to start, of course, but I did finally find my stride and I started hitting the ball pretty well, actually. I’m sore as fuck already…but nothing too bad. I didn’t injure myself. I didn’t lose a ball or break a club. It was a really nice day.
Otherwise did what I needed to do.
A really good day. Night night.