Day 4,005: Pro Tip

Day 4,005: Pro Tip

When I think of the word successful, who comes to mind and why? Huh. An interesting question. Who do I think is ‘successful?’ I hate it, but I guess the first person, or group of people I think of are authors who’ve sold more books than I have. I don’t hate so much...
Day 4,004: Agency

Day 4,004: Agency

Are you taking enough risks in your life? I struggle with taking risks, for sure. I am a rule-follower, I always have been, and I never do anything just off the cuff. I’m a chronic over-preparer. But that said… Yeah. I actually think I do take enough risks. Like,...
Day 4,003: Apple ID

Day 4,003: Apple ID

What makes a good neighbor? It’s pretty easy to be a good neighbor as far as I go: just keep mostly to yourself. As in, you handle your business. Your responsibilities are something you take pride in, and you make sure your affairs are sorted to the best of your...
Day 4,002: Keep To Right

Day 4,002: Keep To Right

What could I try for the first time? Modeling. No, not the take-pictures-of-me kind; I mean the plastic kits, glue and painting kind. I have the gear for it. I bought it all four years ago. But I haven’t used it yet. I really want to. Honestly, I’m scared, though. Not...
Day 4,001: Stinky Butt

Day 4,001: Stinky Butt

What have I been putting off doing? That’s the WordPress prompt today. Daily question. I’ll give it a try. Not sure if I’ll stick with WordPress’s prompts, but it works for tonight since I haven’t looked up anything else yet. I’ve been putting off doing SO MUCH. The...