Day 3,601: Eighteen

Day 3,601: Eighteen

Eighteen pages today. I could push here and get to exactly twenty, but I’m set up nicely for what to write tomorrow morning already, it should go pretty quickly because it’s an exciting, fast-paced scene, or set of scenes, and I’d think I’d rather go to sleep early. I...
Day 3,600: Peaches peachespeachespeaches

Day 3,600: Peaches peachespeachespeaches

Project is DONE. Almost. Whew. Across the finish line juuuusssttttt in time. I worked hard today. Hard this week. And I really, really want to have a dope ass writing day tomorrow, so I’m going to bed right on time. It’s so nice and cool right now, which is very odd...
Day 3, 599: Jitter Pug

Day 3, 599: Jitter Pug

Joy under the covers again. She’s such a SNUGGLE. She came over while I was eating lunch today and snuggled up against me. It made me MELT. And Coops, tonight, while we were out eating dinner and watching TV, he was up snuggled against my pillow, taking a snooze. He’s...
Day 3,598: Birthday!

Day 3,598: Birthday!

I had homemade Boston Cream Pie for dinner, and then we sat down and watched a movie. I enjoyed it! Since the unions are on strike, I’ll refrain from posting exactly what it was, but Chris Pine was delightful in it. Hopefully that’s enough for me to remember years in...
Day 3,597: Unbirthday

Day 3,597: Unbirthday

The work. It continues! Sigh. I still got pages done today. As many as I honestly could. More tomorrow. And…my birthday 🙂 Liz is making me a Boston Cream Pie! And I’m helping. It’s fun. Night!
Day 3,596: Beethoven

Day 3,596: Beethoven

JOY IS AN UNDER THE COVERS DOG. Breaking news. She’s just so SNUGGLY. I finally finally feel like I got caught up on work today. Whew. The deck is clear, and I can finish my goddamn book in a few days. Several days, to be clear, and there is still more work to be...